Thursday, December 4, 2008

Brief Hiatus (or, The Fallout of, well, Fallout)

I'm an avid computer/console gamer. Always have been.

I finally managed to purchase a copy of the recently released Fallout 3.

It is, decidedly, impressive... much more than I was expecting, even from this series that can be traced back to the glory of Wasteland on the C64.

I will, of course, be spending a good bit of my limited free time trying to get at least one full playthrough accomplished before the holidays and school. As such, I won't be as prolific a poster as I was in November.

I'm way too easily distracted by a well-written, well-programmed game.


Museice said...

I'm afraid to buy a well written game.
I have a son who needs at least a small part of my time.
I envy you. I miss gaming.
Hours upon hours of gaming. Forcing myself to go to sleep and anxious to wake up and start again.

Hlessi said...

I don't play as often as I did when I was younger. Having kids does seem to alter the amount of time one has available.

I tend to pick a handful of titles out of the year and focus only on those. Also, since I share kid-time with my ex, I tend to have a few nights a week for fully focused gaming.

Some of the times I play when they're with me, they get involved in watching the game. We talk about the 'monsters' on the screen and have toddler-oriented conversations about what Daddy is doing in the game world.

In all honesty, I need to game. I don't have hobbies, really, so my console/computer time is my 'zone out and relax' time. In a perfect world, it would be a nice table-top, pen'n'paper RPG... but that never seems to work out.